Monday, April 28, 2008

Handling Remarks in Workflow

When you have lots of workflow it is easy to lose those that simply need you to read a Remark sent by someone else OR those that you have sent to someone else.

To see what YOU have been SENT by another, set the Action button to Remark and only those that others sent you will appear. Open the workflow item and, if you need to, add your comments on the actual request and then hit the DONE button. The person who sent you the remark will know you've seen it (the Remark indicator and your name will be removed from the stage the request is at).

When you send a remark to another user you can use the "exclude remarks" checkbox. It will REMOVE from view any workflow until the other person sees the remark and hits the Done button.

Don't forget, the Remark reminder is tied to the stage that the request is at. For example, if the request is at the Realize stage and you remark someone, don't Realize the request until the other person has a chance to see the Remark in their workflow. If you Realize the request before they see it, the Remark will be automatically Removed from the other user's workflow

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